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We Go Forward

E-Commerce Solutions SEO Solutions Marketing Solutions
274 Visualizações
// Special thanks to Shen, who gave me permission to use his great idea. You can check the original story of "We Go Forward" (Owl Turd Comix) here:
// Um agradecimento especial a Shen que me deu permissão para usar sua grande ideia. Você pode ver a história original de "We Go Forward" (Owl Turd Comix) aqui:
Subtitles available in Portuguese, Spanish, German and Japanese
Directed by Filipe Costa
Pixel Art by Matheus Muniz ()
Animation by Matheus Muniz and Filipe Costa
Music and SFX by Julian Alvarez Chaia
Special thanks to
Maximilian Menger
Yuki Miyashige
Email: [email protected]
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