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BEM CASADO e Drink de Menta | I Could Kill For Dessert 12 #ICKFD

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Mais uma de nossas aventuras na cozinha, com alguns percalços (grandes), mas felizmente com um final feliz! Não é fácil essa vida de exploradora de sabores da confeitaria. Muitas vezes uma receita que parece ser tão simples, requer muita experiência e precisão. Divirtam-se como eu me diverti! E se tudo der errado, basta batizar com um novo nome a sua descoberta!
Link Da Receita de Bem Casado: http://www.icouldkillfordessert.com.br/receitas-dessert/bem-casado
Link da Receita do Drink de Menta: http://www.icouldkillfordessert.com.br/receitas-bebida/drink-de-menta

"Hapilly Married" (Bem casado) e Mint Cocktail
Another wild adventure of ours in the kitchen, with a few (big) mishaps, but with a happy ending fortunately! It's not an easy to be a patisserie's flavours explorateur! Many times, a receipe that seems very easy needs a lot of experience and accuracy. Have fun just like I did! And if everything goes wrong, just give your discovery a new name! In Brazil we call a "Bem Casado" a very tradicional and highly appreciated sweet, originated in Portugal, that is often served in the end of wedding parties. Since there's no similar sweet in any other culture, we decided to use a literal translation!

-6 large EGGS
-75 grams of SUGAR
-zests of 1 LEMON
-100 grams of FLOUR, sifted
-6 grams of BAKING POWDER
-400 grams of DULCE DE LECHE
-80 grams of HEAVY CREAM (UHT)
-200 grams of WALNUTS
-2 cups fo CRYSTAL SUGAR
-½ cup of WATER
1.Separate the sugar in 3 parts: 15 grams, 30 grams and 30 grams.
2.Sift the egg yolks to remove their pelicule. TIP: the freshier the eggs, the less they smell!
3.Put the eggs in a mixer and mix them at high speed with 15 grams of sugar for aproximately 6 minutes. As the mixture doubles its size, slowly add another 30 grams of sugar and mix it for another 7 minutes, while it continues to double. At the end, add the final 30 grams of sugar at once and mix it for another 2 minutes so the egg's whites stay very compact. The total amount of timeusing a planetary mixer should be 15 minutes and using a regular mixer should be 18 to 20 minutes. TIP: this technique of adding the sugar little by little is something we use at Lenôtre so the eggs or the merengue can grow a lot during the process, and only at the end we add the rest and most of the sugar so the whites or the entire eggs can combine well.
4.Add the lemon zest and the vanilla extract.
5.Lower the mixer speed to a minimum and add the sifted flour little by little. At this point, the dough's volume will reduce a lot.
6.Add the baking powder in the end and mix.
7.In a baking sheet or silpat make little balls with the dough; using a piping bag or a spoon. I thought it was easier with a spoon so take a look at the video and watch how i did it, keepign at least two inches of distance of each ball. TIP: this is the original portuguese recipe. A lot of people spread the entire dough in a tray and then cut little circles. This is definitely a more pratical way of making this recipe, but in my opinion it's not the original "Bem Casado"!
8.In the oven, preheated at 180C (better use an oven thermometer, cause we need an accurate temperature!), bake the Bem Casados for 7 to 8 minutes.
9.When they're ready, remove them from the baking sheet while they're still warm and when they cool, cut them into 4cm circles. You can use a glass , if you prefer.
1.The traditional portuguese Happily Married filling is a sweet egg cream, but in Brazil this filling is never used cause it doesn't suit the Brazilian taste. Nowadays, in Brazil, Happily Marrieds are made with that light dulce de leche. I wanted to add a special touch with walnuts cause i like it a lot!
2.Put the walnuts in a food processor and process them until you have very small pieces.
3.Add the dulce de leche and the cream and process until smooth.
4.Fill the Happily Marrieds with the help of a piping bag and join two pieces of the dough, making a little sandwich. Always put the filling on top of the part that was in contact with the tray.
1.In a pan add the water and the sugar and let it boil until you get a soft ball consistency, 112C aproximately.
2.With a fork, poke the Happily Married's filling (just like i did on the video) and bathe it in the syrup. Let it dry on a wire rack overnight, at room temperature. TIP: this is also ideal for the Hapilly Married can lose some of the egg smell!
1.On the next day, powder some powdered sugar on top.
2.Wrap them with cellophane paper and some crêpe paper too. Then finish with a little ribbon! You can also decorate it with pearls and little stones!

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